The biodiesel fallacy
(too old to reply)
R Kym Horsell
2023-11-22 21:54:18 UTC
The biodiesel sold in Europe is as much as
eight times worse than petroleum-based fuels
when it comes to net greenhouse gas emissions.
The biodiesel fallacy
By Armond Cohen
November 26, 2007
CONTRARY to recent pronouncements on Beacon
Hill, the biodiesel mandate proposed by Governor
Deval Patrick and State House leaders will not help
efforts to slow global warming. Instead, their bill -
which contains a pair of measures that would require
automotive diesel and some home heating oil to
contain a minimum percentage of biodiesel by 2010
- is likely to make things worse.

Do cigarette makers own shares in quit smoking programs?
Sure they do. They work just that well.
ExxonMobil expands interest in biofuels, acquires stake in Biojet AS
corporate.exxonmobil.com, 11 Jan 2022
Biojet AS plans to develop up to five facilities to produce the biofuels
and biofuel components. The company anticipates commercial production ...
2023-11-23 04:24:18 UTC
"Bio-Diesel" isn't so much a "fallacy" these days
but an environmental DISASTER spawned by pinhead
greenies. VAST VAST areas of rainforest are being
plowed down for oil-palm plantations now.

Over some news story recently, I was Earthing the
deep jungle area of the DR Congo when I came across
an irregular-looking patch - thousands of acres.
Zooming in I could tell it was an Oil Palm plantation.
It's even worse in asia.

If the US/EU/GreenPeace want to Save The Environment
then they should ban diesel engines for anything that
isn't "heavy equipment" or vehicles so large you need
a special license/training to drive.

In a decade or two there won't BE any "rain-forest",
just vast oil-palm plantations. Oh, and the countries
WITH rain-forests ... they do not answser to US/EU law,
you'll have to RUIN THEIR MARKET instead. It will cause
revolutions in some places, seas of blood and guts ....

Oh, and lithium/batteries are NOT AT ALL a good
substitute for hydrocarbon fuels .... likely won't
be for 25+ years at least judging by research reports.
