Thousands in Democrat run Asheville without water since Christmas Eve, city holds press conference
(too old to reply)
Democrat America
2022-12-30 07:43:53 UTC
Democrats are incompetent.
Over 38,000 people in Asheville have been looking for answers as
to why they have been without water for days. At a press
conference, city officials explained for the first time what
happened and what's being done to fix it.

SPRING HOPE, N.C. — An entire North Carolina town is without
water after Duke Energy's rolling blackouts over Christmas
Residents in Spring Hope are facing low or no water pressure,
according to a Facebook post by the town's mayor Kyle Pritchard.
He says the rolling outages caused power to the town's wells and
wastewater treatment plant to trip – and not restart.

Then Wednesday night, a water main broke, cutting off all water
to the town.

R Kym Horsell
2022-12-30 21:05:12 UTC
Post by Democrat America
Democrats are incompetent.
The question is whether that is better than totally incompetent
bordering on raving.
Post by Democrat America
Over 38,000 people in Asheville have been looking for answers as
to why they have been without water for days. At a press
conference, city officials explained for the first time what
happened and what's being done to fix it.

[Blue states: dommed to a longer, saner, richer life! It should be
illegal and given voting trends will be anytime now:]

States like: %Biden20 Lifex (y)
Wyoming 26.6 78.3
Oklahoma 32.05 77.7
South.Dakota 35.2 77.75
Kentucky 36.2 76
Utah 37.55 78.25
Louisiana 39.9 75.7
Montana 41.1333 78.2333
South.Carolina 43.1 77.65
Ohio 45.05 78.75
Texas 46.5 78.5
North.Carolina 48.25 78.6
Wisconsin 49.6667 78.5667
Michigan 50.6 78.2
Minnesota 52.4 81.1
Virginia 54.1 79
Colorado 55.4 80
Oregon 56.5 79.5
Washington 58 79.9
Rhode.Island 59.3 80.35
Hawaii 63.6 81.05
Massachusetts 65.6 80.5
District.of.Columbia 92.1 76.5

Rank test:
calculated Spearman corr = 0.627329
Critical value = 0.508 2-sided at 1%
Since the calculated corr is way larger than the critical value
we are forced to reject the Null "There is no connection".

Similarly for higher HH Income, lower suicide rates, higher education levels,
lower covid deaths, lower weather-related deaths, etc.

Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom!
