Pedophrasty ala Greta
(too old to reply)
2022-11-07 06:34:59 UTC
An argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and make the
opponent look like a bully. People will more likely suspend scepticism in
front of suffering children. Nobody then has the heart to question the
authenticity or source of the reporting.


Definition: Argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and
make the opponent look like an asshole, as people are defenseless and
suspend all skepticism in front of suffering children: nobody has the
heart to question the authenticity or source of the reporting. Often done
with the aid of pictures.

Can also describe the exploitation of babies by professional beggars who
rent them from their parents and use them as potent appendage in their
trade(remember that children tend to grow and need to be replaced).

Pedophrasts prey on our maternal (and paternal) instincts.

Pedophrasty has its most effects on actors, journalists and similar types
who are intellectually insecure, deprived of critical judgment, and afraid
of being classified as violators of some norm of political correctness.
For instance, pedophrasty has been commonly used in the Syrian war by such
propagandists as Julian Roepke continuously supplying the German public
with pictures of dead children. Or the various lobbies hired by Saudi
Barbaria (and allies), such as the Middle East Institute in Washington DC,
to promote Sunni Islamist policies under the cover of “think tanks”.

Example: The Nayirah testimony, a false congressional testimony by 15-
year-old girl who provided only her first name, Nayirah (she turned out to
be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S.) was a bit
responsible for tipping the US into the war. Nayirah claimed that she had
witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators a Kuwaiti hospital,
and leave the babies to die. Nobody dared to question the veracity of her
claims. Her claims, it turned out, were all fabrications; but it’s too
late to reverse the war.

Originates with Tim Ferriss, describes tagging someone (or someone’s
opinions) as “racist”, “chauvinist” or somethinglikeit-ist in situations
where these are not warranted. This is a shoddy manipulation to exploit
the stigmas accompanying such labels and force the opponent to spent time
and energy explaining “why he/she is not a bigot”.

Note that it is the true victims of bigotry that are insulted by virtue-
peddling bigoteers.

Example: The Lebanese government is always accused of racism by first
order bigoteers whenever they discuss the case of Syrian refugees (close
to 20–30% of thee population), then put on the defensive having to explain
that “we are not racist, but”. Lebanese officials fail to use the argument
that foreign bigoteers should have some skin in the game and try to settle
some Syrian refugees in their Washington, Parisian, or London backyard.
They are the one who are racist by not doing so.

Example: Both the Kurds who are asking for independence and the Arabs who
refuse to grant it accuse one another of “racism”. Likewise, Arabists
accuse localists (such as those who claim Canaanite, Phoenician or Coptic
culture and habits away from Arab domination and Arabist identitarian
monoculturism) of racism, forgetting that Arabism is grounded in a
fundamentally imperialist, anti-inclusive and supremacist ideology. A
localist wants others to leave him alone (leave me alone, I leave you
alone, thus executing the moral symmetry of the silver rule), while
Arabists want non-Sunni minorities to be — culturally and politically —
their dhimmi servants or second class citizens under the cover of

Second Order Bigoteering: in addition to bigoteering, siding with one
party in a conflict based on race or gender without even investigating the
source of the problem, as commonly practices by the children book author
J.K. Rowling or the podcaster Mike Duncan— such as siding automatically
with the professional BS operator Mary Beard in an intellectual conflict
with a man, simply because Mary Beard was a woman, without understanding
the nature of the dispute, then spinning arguments to explain their

Production of false accusation, just as Jezebel did to dispossess Naboth.

In many legal systems, since Hammurabi’s code, calumnies and false
accusations are punished as if the accuser committed the infractions
himself. (Obviously, there is a need for symmetry: penalties for crimes
are proportion to the crime, hence inflicting such penalty on an innocent
person should be penalized under the same logic).

In combination with bigoteering: a false accusation of bigotry,
particularly if the accuser knows it is not the case, should cause a
penalty to the bigoteer as if he/she were bigots themselves.

Note that “false accuser” was the original meaning of the Greek word
sycophant before drifting in the English language.

Exploiting the unsavory attributes of one party in a conflict without
revealing those of the other party . Example: “He is a dictator”, giving
the illusion that the alternative is the Swedish parliament not some worse

The problem can take absurd proportions: in the Syrian War, it was used by
interventionistas describing the “dictator” without mentioning that his
opponents are Al-Qaeda head-cutters.

You can detect partializing and dishonest thinking when the same people
arguing for the removal of some dictator praise Saudi Barbaria forgetting
to use the argument in such cases.

Inconsistency within Monocultures
I have shown a narrative to be fallacious 1) if it is logically
incompatible with other narratives also held true by the same agents, 2)
if it leads to the statistical clustering of causes that should be random,
or, to the least, uncorrelated. This heuristic can help us identify
monocultures, usually artificially propped up by some lobby.

For lobbyists and their useful idiots, as we saw in partializing, will be
inconsistent somewhere in their narratives: there is a cluster for the
advocacy of both GMOs and Glyphosate, when there is no particular logical
link between the two positions. Well, there is a link: Monsanto sells
both; and GMOs are actually an excuse to sell high doses of glyphosate.

Likewise, on finds some nonrandom clustering of people who decry civilian
casualties in Aleppo but forget about it in Mosul.

R Kym Horsell
2022-11-07 07:13:56 UTC
Post by zinn
An argument involving children to prop up a rationalization and make the
opponent look like a bully. People will more likely suspend scepticism in
front of suffering children. Nobody then has the heart to question the
authenticity or source of the reporting.

Strangely, the only people that seem to be mentioning her on
tpg and agw seem to be self-certifying incels.

I think that goes by a different name.
R Kym Horsell
2022-11-07 07:49:51 UTC
In alt.global-warming R Kym Horsell <***@kymhorsell.com> wrote:

From the last 10,000 some items in Alt.Global-Warming -- where you
might expect "everyone" to be talking about someone they are supposed
to be promoting -- we find there are only 8 mentions of G. THunberg
and all by misoginists and apparent incels sniping from some other group.

number of posts = 10468
total mentions greta+thunberg = 9
number of posts mentioning greta+thunberg = 7


From: Greta's Hanky <***@pppoint.org>
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2021 06:45:40 -0700

From: Greta's Welfare Check <***@point.org>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 11:55:47 -0700

From: Klaus Schadenfreude <***@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 07:49:12 -0700

From: AlleyCat <***@aohell.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:33:36 -0500

From: AlleyCat <***@aohell.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2022 22:34:33 -0500

From: AlleyCat <***@aohell.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2022 08:00:37 -0500

From: Klaus Schadenfreude <***@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 08 Oct 2022 03:35:04 -0700

I would suggest the FBI be informed of this kind of abberant behavior.
In the past I know I have drawn their attention to some suspicious
activity and they were suprisingly efficient and even sent an email
saying they went to the guy's place, found tons of evidence, and
were surprised they address he'd given to his ISP was his actual address.
2022-11-07 12:06:36 UTC
Post by R Kym Horsell
From the last 10,000 some items in Alt.Global-Warming -- where you
might expect "everyone" to be talking about someone they are supposed
to be promoting -- we find there are only 8 mentions of G. THunberg
and all by misoginists and apparent incels sniping from some other group.
number of posts = 10468
total mentions greta+thunberg = 9
number of posts mentioning greta+thunberg = 7
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2021 06:45:40 -0700
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 11:55:47 -0700
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 07:49:12 -0700
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:33:36 -0500
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2022 22:34:33 -0500
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2022 08:00:37 -0500
Date: Sat, 08 Oct 2022 03:35:04 -0700
I would suggest the FBI be informed of this kind of abberant behavior.
In the past I know I have drawn their attention to some suspicious
activity and they were suprisingly efficient and even sent an email
saying they went to the guy's place, found tons of evidence, and
were surprised they address he'd given to his ISP was his actual address.
Out of 63,000+, greta+thunberg = 863

From: Catoni <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2019 21:27:24 +0000

From: JTEM is Remarkably Flexible <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 02:05:10 +0000

From: Kym Horsell <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2019 21:42:44 +0000

From: George <***@hnpl.net>
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 03 Aug 2019 15:15:19 -0500

From: Bret Cahill <***@aol.com>
Injection-Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2019 04:25:16 +0000

Skin many

From: Nadegda <***@gmail.invalid>
Injection-Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2022 07:00:17 -0000 (UTC)

From: JTEM is Remarkably Flexible <***@gmail.com>
Injection-Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2022 06:05:24 +0000
R Kym Horsell
2022-11-07 12:37:22 UTC
Post by Heist
Post by R Kym Horsell
From the last 10,000 some items in Alt.Global-Warming -- where you
might expect "everyone" to be talking about someone they are supposed
to be promoting -- we find there are only 8 mentions of G. THunberg
and all by misoginists and apparent incels sniping from some other group.
number of posts = 10468
total mentions greta+thunberg = 9
number of posts mentioning greta+thunberg = 7
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2021 06:45:40 -0700
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 11:55:47 -0700
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 07:49:12 -0700
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2022 20:33:36 -0500
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2022 22:34:33 -0500
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2022 08:00:37 -0500
Date: Sat, 08 Oct 2022 03:35:04 -0700
I would suggest the FBI be informed of this kind of abberant behavior.
In the past I know I have drawn their attention to some suspicious
activity and they were suprisingly efficient and even sent an email
saying they went to the guy's place, found tons of evidence, and
were surprised they address he'd given to his ISP was his actual address.
Out of 63,000+, greta+thunberg = 863

I'm sure you took account of quoted mentions versus mentions.
